The Monitor #unrequited loveA story inspired by the ETS Test at Home experience. 2020 was a devastating year for many when the pandemic prohibited most outdoor...
ReflectionThe little mermaid puts great energy into the illusion of love to fulfill my own fantasy. She don't truly know what love is, or if she...
The Quirky GirlThey want a hot bitch with D-CUP Artistic, Bikini 👙, Loyal and acts like a Royal 👑 but never let you down or Foil. When you messed it...
Thoughts of the dayWe think we’re certain way but we’re actually not. When people enhance certain aspects in you, you live it out. You start to believe...
《照鏡子》他心底住著個又小又呆 的醜小鴨 手裡有兩把寶劍 一是洞察 二是批判 但要留意! 因為不當使用 會為彼此留下痕跡 ————————— 以前的他瘦弱又書呆 在放學總被欺負的過程裡 他的言語成為一把利刃 用來捍衛自己的尊嚴 這場劍擊堪稱俐落優美 一把插著你的心 一把堵上你的嘴...
暗戀2男孩發現女孩有個怪僻: 她總在發呆。不知道神遊去哪。 上課好像很認真的聽著、聽著, 疑?這眼神怎麼就飄掉了 然而這時候他總有種莫名的安全感, 因為在她進入另一個世界的時候 他就能放心的 再靠近一點。 他其實很喜歡她的, 可是他感覺的到她有種抗拒。...
PreyHe was preying my eyes, trying to seek any leak of possibilities of emotion: To prove that this is mutual. I shy away, cause I don’t want...
暗戀1 一個我記憶中的故事或許心底與父親的關係 將他分裂成了兩半—— 一半的他,維諾、逃避且軟弱, 從不認為自己值得被愛。 另一半的他 ,專注、隱忍且堅韌 渴望於證明自己的能力。 前一半的自己給愛情 後一半的自己給事業。 ———————————— 在打聽到對方無意的拒絕下,...
Wedding of CousinIt’s a beautiful day on a wedding day. I’ve always wanted to be a wedding coordinator, or maybe a wedding photographer. On this day, even...
Bow downFor the first time, I feel like surrendering. As if towards the sun… I feel no humiliation no pain, no shame, but respect, I bow down to...
How to forgive yourself"You need to learn to forgive yourself, anything bad that has ever happened to you to build a new relationship, a strong relationship."
I had a Dream at the Plain Field of MongoliaI had a dream at the plain field of Mongolia a girl was to marry the Kan. She was a bait set up by kan’s opponent, but they soon fell in...